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Curriculum: International or local curriculum.

Early Education: A good foundation contributes to your success in life. Math plays a vital part in a child’s cognitive development and we encourage children explore these concepts in their early childhood. Many great Mathematicians believe that Math can train a person’s memory skills as well as help children make a sense of their world and help them construct a solid foundation for success in school.


Primary School

From the most basis level to pre-middle school level, all math foundation knowledges can be built in this area. The most important aims in this area is to develop a positive attitude and an ability to handle math towards secondary school. Children need mathematical understanding and skills not only in math subject, but also in science, social studies, geography, economics and accounting and other subjects.


Middle and High School

Middle and High School Math Programme provides the background students need for the challenges of standardized test such as SAT, IB and DSE. It also prepares students to keep track of their personal finances and budgeting their money. Students will be able to solve complicated word problems which builds up their analytical skills and critical thinking.




