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  • BGS, School of Natural Science and Mathematics, Indiana University, USA
  • Master of Arts in Math and Pedagogy, HKIEd
  • 中國華羅庾金杯少年數學邀請賽奧數教練證書
  • 世界珠心算聯合會導師證書
  • 珠心算等級鑒定合格證書

Ms Milkie Mui, founder of the MATHLETE, a mum of four, has been working in the education industry for a decade. Over the years she has experience tutoring students from elite schools, international schools as well as mainstream local schools. Despite her tight tutoring schedule, Ms Milkie finds time to offer voluntary teaching to students from the lower-class families that struggle financially, as she believes that one’s could change his fate with knowledge. Ms Milkie is patience and talented in teaching, her unique approach of teaching made suitable for students of different levels and standards. Owing to this, Miss Milkie passion on Mathematics reaches out to her students’ heart and her students continue to produce promising results. Her growing reputation and success repeatedly caught the media’s eye.